What’s that smell? Find out with the new Sniffrr app.

After months of planning, coding and developing, we finally caught a whiff of the sweet smell of success with the new Sniffrr app, designed and developed by yours truly (in other words, by us!) For the first time ever, you’re now able to share, save and sniff your favourite smells on the go.

best april fools

So, how does it work?

Using state of the art Robotic Nostril Technology, simply point towards the smell, press the Sniff button and take a whiff – your mobile device (available on iOS and Android) will save the smell to your bank, making it available to share with your friends to sniff again and again.

What’s it for?

Smell that dog, smell her hair, even smell yer maw (or your pal’s maw) – the Sniffrr app is for anything your nose desires.

funny april fools

 Don’t just take our word for it, here’s some real life Sniffrrr-errr-errs.

“It revolutionised the way I share my gastro avocado on toast – now people can smell how pretentious I am”

– Carl, Food Blogger

“It’s amazing – like Shazam, but for your nose. Five stars!”

– Michael, Tech Columnist

“Any time I need motivation for going on the air, and have ran out of Sex Panther, I simply load up the app and load up my glorious nostrils. 60% of the time, it works every time”

– Ron Burgundy, California

“I always wondered why Jason was in the office until 10pm, now I know what he was really doing on the printer”

– Samantha, London

“I always had a thing for Stiffler’s mom, now I can carry her sweet aroma in my pocket”

– Finch, USA

 So what are you waiting for? Head over to the App Store or Google Play, pop “Sniffrr” in the search bar and follow your nose – happy sniffing!

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