Ideas worth spreading – here are 10 things we took away from TEDxGlasgow 2015.
As Official Creative Partners of TEDxGlasgow (for the second year running, may we add) one of the perks is getting to go along to the event itself. Apart from the fact that seeing our work in print is one of the greatest joys in life, we couldn’t wait to hear the amazing line up of speakers and meet lots of like-minded, creative, positive folk who love TEDx as much as we do. This year’s theme was ‘Why Not Here?’, which is all about promoting Glasgow and Scotland as a hub of creativity, culture, science and technology – and safe to say, the event excelled in doing just that. Here are a few of the knowledge nuggets we took away from #TEDxGlasgow2015.

- We knew this one already, but TEDx solidified just how many talented people there are here in Scotland. Everyone we met was really passionate about what they do and about helping others. We love you guys!
- We’re pretty co-ordinated. Especially when it comes to Vogueing (click the link to see!)
- “How many of you have chosen to spend time on your own in silence? Real silence?” Norman Drummond’s talk on taking even 10 minutes away from the hustle and bustle of communication to recharge, was a real eye-opener for us.
- After seeing what professional dancing looks like (thanks to the guys at Scottish Ballet) we realised our pop n’ lock wouldn’t really shoot us to worldwide stardom as we had always hoped.
- Good things come to those who hustle: “If you’re going to change something, you can lead, you can follow, or you can get out the way” – Karyn McCluskey

- The human body is a pretty incredible thing – from Professor James Brewer’s talk on the immune system to Rachel Robyns Laird’s experience with blood donation or Amos Miller’s day to day life with blindness, to Mark Beaumont’s amazing, albeit life-threatening, adventures – our minds were (and still are) well and truly blown.
- The human mind is pretty incredible too (credit where credit’s due and all that). If you change your way of thinking, even slightly, you can make huge impact.
- Right now, there are over 30 satellites being built here in Glasgow. Nope, not China, not Russia, not even by the folks at NASA – right here, Craig Clark is making it all happen in our home city.

- Thanks to a screening of Thomas Saurez’ talk on what it’s like to be 12 year old app developer, we learned that yes, it is possible to question every single life choice you’ve ever made in the space of five minutes.
- Many hands make light work (cheers for that cracker, Gran) – our entire experience with our own team and the TEDx volunteers showed us what can happen when people work together. This entire event happened because each and every single person involved did their bit to make it happen. High five!
Thanks for another amazing year TEDx, now to get planning for the next one! In the meantime, head over to the beautiful TEDxGlasgow website (can you tell we’re biased?) for all the news from this year’s event.
Click to view: MadeBrave® for TEDxGlasgow 2015 – the complete works.