**** UPDATE ****
We’re currently trialling having everyone work from the studio every Tuesday and Wednesday.
Find out why right here.
It has been three months since we went into lockdown and even though it felt like the world came to a standstill, a lot has changed in that time. Here are a couple big changes I’m excited to announce.
Change #1: Our whole team can now work from anywhere forever
A few weeks ago, Twitter’s Founder, Jack Dorsey announced that Twitter and Square employees could have the option of working from home permanently. Remote working is something that we’ve been discussing for a while—over the last few years, we’ve built an infrastructure for our teams to work from home when they need to, ensuring that our servers and resources are available for them to access from anywhere. (Well, anywhere within reason)
We’d planned on rolling out this policy eventually, as our studio lease was always going to out-live our growth trajectory—but as with everything just now, the effects of COVID are pushing our businesses forward at warp speed.
…we now see this physical studio space becoming a destination for the brand and not a mandatory place our people have to work from

We’ve made the decision to allow our team to work from home, or anywhere the want indefinitely, as long as they’re in a role and situation to do so. Before the pandemic hit, we’d invested heavily in our new 6,600 sq ft creative studio space, which we are keeping–but we now see this physical space becoming a destination for the brand and not a mandatory place our people have to work from.
For me, flexible working is here, right now, and it’s better for everyone.
Another exciting aspect is we now have the ability to hire the best talent from across the globe, not just from one geographic location. This model, which we think will eventually be a blended approach of office work and working from home, will improve productivity, enhance the work-life balance for our team, have a positive impact on the environment, and help us increase the diversity of the business. For me, flexible working is here, right now, and it’s better for everyone. Just as Twitter has shown, if there’s ever a time to make the switch it’s now.

So what does this mean for the studio we built?
Well, it’s there for whenever our teams need it. Once we’re able to safely work from the studio, it will be a hub for creating content, collaboration with our clients, hosting events or just having a desk to work on when they want to get out of the house. And by teams, I mean MadeBrave and Campfire, which brings me onto our next change…
Change #2: MadeBrave now has an incredible in-house production and content creation department
As some of you know, we acquired Campfire in 2018, housing both brands under the BornOriginal Group. As of today, Campfire and its operations will now be merged and fully integrated within the MadeBrave brand as our new content production department.

For our clients, they’ll still get the same service offering they’ve had with both Campfire and MadeBrave, except now it will be more efficient and our creativity multiplied. We are now able to give clients an end-to-end experience with an expert team of brand, business and marketing strategists, combined with cutting edge 3D, motion, film, design, digital and tech.
So, in a nutshell, we’re still offering the same services—the only difference is that we’re now one big MadeBrave team.

For me, this is another stage in the evolution of MadeBrave that will make us even stronger. Right now, we’re working on some great projects with Nestlé, Kandou, Macphie, FirstGroup plc, Edrington, Distell, Vango, Vets Now, and a leading medical device manufacturer—and I can’t wait to share them all with you.
So, what are your thoughts on remote teams? Are you planning to make changes to the way your team work? Let me know on Linkedin.